7 step framework to a Killer LinkedIn Profile

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The 7 steps YOU NEED to get to the top 1% of LinkedIn Profiles

Follow the exact framework we use to optmize 300+ profiles. Get INSTANT response from Angel Investors, Amazon, Microsoft and your DREAM client

If you really wish to stand out from millions of competitors; your profile needs to stand out. If you need a profile that DOMINATES 99% of the profiles; is CRISP; and delivers INSTANT MESSAGE to your prospect; 

Then this is THE GUIDE you need. 

I have been using LinkedIn for 7 years now.

I just need to be on LinkedIn so recruiters can see me. 

I barely get 100 search appearances every week.

Then one day, I met Harshanki for coffee at an island on Bal; talking about life and work.

We had a nice chat, and she told me she charges $399 for a client consultation call.


Well yeah; because the stakes are high and the ROI generated is higher.

  1. People I work with generate much more than $399 after the profile in optimized.
  2. 99% of the people don’t post content or work on their profiles because they are clueless.
  3. I’ve worked with industry experts from 124 countries with great results to prove my claim.

That’s why they pay.

Your LinkedIn profile is your SALES PITCH.

It’s your story that’ll convert visitors.

Your profile cannot be an ordinary LinkedIn profile, it has to be THE PROFILE

…… one which FORCES your prospect to GET TO KNOW YOU.

You cannot be good enough.

You cannot exist.
You have to be OUT OF THIS WORLD.

Anything less than that is unacceptable. 

This is where the 7 steps framework come into picture.

Your LinkedIn profile is NOT A RESUME or a COVER LETTEr


So forget a resume format; revamp your profile with a 7 step framework

  1. The non-negotiable principles that you MUST have in your LinkedIn profile to bring in more sales and profits.
  2. The right Profile picture and COVER IMAGE for your profile ( it’s not what you think)
  3. How to write a compelling HEADLINE for your profession even with no experience
  4. How to optimize your first paragraph for your ABOUT SECTION to keep the visitors hooked
  5. Emotional trigger points for your readers to feel connected to your profile
  6. How to transition from them relating to your pains to you MAKING A SALE
  7. Have the right CTA; force your customer to DM, buy the product or get on a sale
  8. How to improve your storytelling to not sound robotic.
  9. How to utilize the experience section
  10. PRINCIPLES used by the best copywriters with persuasion techniques.
  11. MUST HAVE words in your profile to improve conversion
  12. SHORTEN the results and keep what’s important

You can use the 7-step framework regardless of your:

  1. Age
  2. Industry
  3. End-goal ( clients/ investment/ job etc)

Because our framework assures you STAND OUT in your area of expertise.

BONUS 1: ( $399 value)

You’ll find our most successful converted LinkedIn profile. The one where I transformed his weakness to his strength and got massive results)

BONUS 2: ($499 value)

5 industry leaders profiles’ broken down for any freelancer or consultant trying to get business from LinkedIn

BONUS 3: ( $199 value)

Must needed tools for your cover image and profile photo. Remember the 1st thing a prospect notices is your cover image.

BONUS 4  ($400 value)

Have you figured out how to automate visitors to your LinkedIn without posting content?

Have you turned off “ people also viewed” off from your profile?

Here’s a separate bonus guide that’ll automate your competitors to your profile and not drive them away to your competitors.

How does that sound?

I know you might be wondering LinkedIn is all about content creation. 

Most of our clients are surprised too when they use our guide and are shocked to see the results by just optimizing their profile.

I’m so confident in this ebook that I guarantee it’s going to be the most important investment for LinkedIn profile you’ll ever make.

And if you’re wondering, is it worth taking the risk?


You have a 45 days guarantee from us that the ebook will do wonders for you.

You’re either dancing with joy; or we’ll OPTIMIZE YOUR PROFILE for you; at 0 additional cost.

Just drop us an email at namaste@derest.marketing; and WE”LL OPTIMIZE YOUR PROFILE for FREE

If you wish to

Position yourself as an industry leader

Optimize your Linkedin profile like a premium copywriter

Be the top 1% of your industry

Showcase your weaknesses as your strengths

Hook people into DMing you


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7 step framework to a Killer LinkedIn Profile

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